More than capable, you feel an urgent need to set some worthwhile activity in motion. You demand a lot, are insensitive towards other people’s needs - strike a balance; be more considerate with your comments, pay attention to how people react to you, if you resolutely follow these guidelines, you persuade people to willingly participate in your activities.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Control irritabilityYou tend to be nervous and make others restless too. As a result, they find it difficult to deal with you, and you become increasingly more disgruntled. Accept that you have responsibilities to live up to, that need to be approached calmly with composure, making sure you don’t upset those closest to you and at the same time don’t cause needless arguments.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Overcome timidityAdopting the right approach, you make headway and resolve any outstanding issues. However, the worst thing you can do is to dither and cause unnecessary delay. If you’re single make the first move towards cementing friendship, don't be shy about showing your feelings, honesty brings desired results. If you are looking for a change of job, turn your thoughts into action.