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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Highly sensitive

Feeling fatigued and rather worn out, it’s difficult for other people to know exactly how to deal with you in your current mood. Avoid any undue stress and needless self-criticism, times like this are normal and pass quickly, ask the people closest to you to be more considerate and understanding, avoid doing too much, instead set aside time for relaxation.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Self-restraint

Practice some self-restraint, avoid trying to force your opinions onto others or getting involved in needless arguments otherwise, disputes escalate. Instead you must calm down and come to terms with your conduct, then you are able to get plenty of sleep and eat well which helps you to regain your composure and provides you with the energy you need.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Consistency

Hold back your emotions and put off important conversations until much later. Otherwise you might ruin your chances by being overly emotional, remember to keep any negative feelings you possess in check. Keep your inner life under control by practicing dealing with your negative feelings and aggression. Autogenic training or meditation are disciplines that help.