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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Exuberance

You’re able to motivate others but attending to your own need is still important when your goals are so close and clearer than ever. Your energetic approach is infectious and recognized by others; there is no reason not to celebrate your ideas. Don't let this become your accepted conduct, you feel energetic, but too much of the good life is harmful to your health.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Tense Anxiety

Your usual calmness his disrupted, and it’s difficult for you to concentrate. Feeling tense, try to relax, and allow yourself plenty of time - even routine tasks take longer than usual. Your anxiety surprises others and not in a positive way. So, you must not try to hide the way you feel but talk to them about any concerns you may have.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Keep calm

Remain calm in the face of turbulent circumstances. Sometimes the things you attempt to resolve don’t turn out so well; often you discover it’s the people you encounter on the way who cause problems. Don't overreact, instead, recover your composure, impress others with your confidence and you emerge unaffected by any slightly disagreeable experiences.