Your gestures of openness are appreciated, and under these circumstances, the smallest kindness you do for another can lead to deep friendship, and any existing relationships can be renewed or deepened. You intuitively know what is best, offer help at the correct moment and find the right words to convey comfort, empathy or happiness.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Self-promotionYou feel an overwhelming urge to create a distinct image, either by boasting achievements, exercising your freedom or flaunting your possessions. Pretentious conduct like this is truly perceived as unpleasant. Instead you need to value friendships and show the respect they deserve by appreciating them over and above your possessions or achievements.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Careful Choice of WordsUnexplained tensions abound, so choose your words with care and try to avoid others if you can. Otherwise, you probably say things you later regret and risk alienating friends and acquaintances. Make sure to practice self-restraint. Take a quiet moment and organize your leisure time carefully. By so doing, you avoid taking on too much.