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taurus Taurus
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Live to the full

Everything you do is likely to turn out well. Colleagues and friends realize you're particularly good at solving problems, and they are pleased to receive any offers of help you make. When free from the exertions of work you need to spend time in your personal life – and experience how your partner responds affectionately towards you.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Pure harmony

You feel completely confident and composed, at ease both in your working environment as well as with your personal life. This attitude rubs off on others and affects the close relationships you have with your partner and family as well as your healthy attitude regarding ‘give and take.' Maintain your inner composure and make plans for long term happiness.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Showing feelings

You perform constructively as a team, and you get even the most complicated ideas off the ground. At home or in the work place just the same, you receive the essential support you need. Let others know you appreciate what they do for you and strengthen the relationship you have with them. You may meet the love of your life, so keep your eyes open!