You’re open and friendly to everyone which makes them appreciative of you and even if you’ve been previously disappointed by someone, they win you over. Try to build on these good relationships and deepen them; they may be of great importance to you in the future and make a positive contribution to whatever it is you want to achieve.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Solve conflictsYou aren’t able to accomplish very much, don't let this deter you, by continuing steadily you regain momentum. Your personal life is similar, both with your partner and friends, look for solutions to any conflicts and misunderstandings by talking with more purpose. Stress threatens your well-being. Find some middle ground between relaxation and activity.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Avoid BraggingYou long for recognition, and in trying to impress others may exaggerate your abilities. Such conduct has the opposite effect to what you want to achieve. Instead, focus more on being of genuine help to others rather than imposing your opinions so forcefully, without first understanding their wants and needs.