In a give-and-take mood, you’re likely to argue your point of view in an open and honest way that’s appreciated and is responded to in a similar fashion. People sense your positive intentions and are motivated and encouraged by such an easy-going attitude, helping you overcome and prevent any future mix-ups and resolve any long-standing disagreements.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Make decisionsYou make the decision you’ve been putting off for some considerable time, you instinctively decide what is right for yourself and your family and more likely than not make the correct choice. You may decide to start out in a direction that fundamentally changes your life, a definite decision to leave the things behind that no longer serve your purpose.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 New energyFeeling really energetic, ready to take on any task, it may be that you’ve finally relinquished any doubts and feel completely positive. Whatever the case you have a lot of interesting ideas you feel totally ready to pursue, you're raring to go and enthusiastic about being in such a promising position to accomplish your ideas and desires.