You’re a tower of strength, and others look to you for protection and comfort. You patiently find the right words to make unhappy friends smile again. Even though this is reward enough, you need to take time for yourself, spend some time alone, to free yourself from any troublesome emotions or otherwise, have support from somebody too.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Curb AngerYou may feel that others are acting unusually, you must quietly accept their conduct, and not get upset if things temporarily don’t go your way. Maybe you’re more irritable and easily upset by things that have not mattered for a long-time or possibly the answer is just a simple case of getting some much-needed rest.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 ConflictsNormally very outgoing and sociable, as a matter of course you push yourself forward at the expense of others and by doing so they rail against you. Concentrate on a common goal rather than on your own welfare, or if you see others as a hindrance or as competitors, go your own separate way. Be open about any decisions to rule out any misunderstandings.