When trying to resolve outstanding issues, you must avoid reacting impulsively, and be prepared to encounter some difficulties. Don’t be disappointed at this apparent block to your progress, but take full responsibility for any mistakes that result, otherwise, you create difficulties for everyone involved.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Difficult timesConfronted with situations that push your patience to the limit, it’s important not to doubt your abilities; you do have the power to change your circumstances. When faced with difficulties, remain in control and discover the best way to resolve outstanding issues. Problems occur so we can learn from them, be positive and improve the skills you require.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Easily made friendsYou easily make contacts and soon win over new friends. Close relationships need more time though and deserve to be cultivated and appreciated for what they give you. Decide if these new friendships are worth investing the time and effort. Take a critical look at yourself and see if these are just fleeting acquaintances or something likely to endure.