A rather unhelpful attitude is difficult for you to keep in check, don’t lose complete control or let the situation escalate into an aggressive confrontation, it’s likely what you encounter is considerably more powerful than you! Maintain calm and avoid conflicts until you’re in more control of your emotions, as any serious disagreements are difficult to put right.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Difficult feelingsUnable to reasonably cope you find it difficult to understand and make sense of how you’re feeling. Your mind knows what must be done but your feelings prevent you from acting sensibly. Accept your feelings, as you cannot change them. Find yourself a quiet and secluded place and decide if you want to follow the feelings of you heart or your head.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 A bull in a china shopBeing particularly direct and upfront with what you say; in certain situations, this is helpful and in less appropriate circumstances disastrous. Think through your opinions before you make them known, otherwise an annoyed and aggrieved partner undoubtedly is the likely outcome of your conversation. You behave 'Like a bull in a china shop'.