Collaborate with your colleagues, friends or family, if you want to achieve something worthwhile regarding your future. You need to take full advantage of every opportunity offered while you’re able to, don’t let them pass without making a concerted effort. Otherwise unfinished business returns to haunt you when conditions aren’t always quite so promising.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 FrictionYou’re uncomfortable with being forced to accept certain inconsistencies, feeling they are outside your control, or possibly someone isn't being completely honest in their dealings with you. Have patience, wait until you’re able to connect with others effectively, without disruption, then a compromise solution is likely with no lasting damage caused.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Expanded knowledgeYou come into to contact with lots of interesting people and are stimulated to expand your understanding and awareness of your immediate surroundings. If you can’t satisfactorily resolve outstanding issues you still have to address, it’s far better to defer giving your honest opinion until much later, otherwise further misunderstandings possibly result.