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taurus Taurus
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Cultivate friendships

You feel optimistic especially when meeting others; you’re relaxed and charming. These are ideal conditions for friendships and creating new ones. You can be adventurous, get out and meet people. At work, your approach to meetings and discussions is productive. In your personal life, you are most in your element when socializing with a group of people.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Openness counts

When you change your attitude, you can confront circumstances more easily and arrive at a successful outcome. Separate yourself from the established way of looking at the situation and adopt a new approach. Be very careful about making accusations or trying to blame others – it's possible you have made mistakes. Be open and then you learn about yourself.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Focus your energy

Use the extra vitality you possess wisely, work out what you want to achieve and focus your energy in the best way you know. Don't fritter away time, wasting it on thankless tasks. Instead, expand your outlook and examine your personal life too, where positive surprises are in store for your relationship. If single, the people you meet are especially agreeable and appealing.