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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Expectations

As difficulties arise for you to deal with, you feel a little stressed, pay attention to your well-being and don’t expect too much. Instead be patient and focus attention on being calm and self-assured, rather than tackling problems head-on or using confrontation. Matters eventually turn out to be far more successful and agreeable than you first expected.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Frustration

Don't be surprised by the continual frustration you feel, instead listen to signals from your body and make sure you take proper care of it. Above all don't take out the frustration you feel on the people closest to you, in fact, they’re only trying to do their best to assist you, so avoid any unnecessary disputes, and as time passes, you feel happier, far more relaxed.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Boldness and restraint

More frequently than you expect, you find it difficult to decide between acting confidently and showing some restraint. Reflecting on the past helps you appreciate the relative merits of any difficulties. Identifying some as insignificant, you are more at ease with your situation and consequently experience far less resistance from people you live closely with.