You overreact and get the impression someone is hiding something from you. It’s important you don't dramatize these thoughts about your personal life, which can make you feel anxious. Remain patient until you're less easily provoked and deal with serious problems on another day. You benefit from taking a rest.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Vague approachYou’re full of ideas, but unusually you don't have the requisite energy or enthusiasm to follow them through. Let those close to you know how you feel. Otherwise, they may not understand why you are so reluctant to join in with their plans. Make them aware you need some peaceful, quiet time alone, to recover your emotional wellbeing.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 DisputesYou feel restless and stressed. Consequently, you need to determine the correct limits of energy and capabilities you possess. You take no notice of others and pay very little attention to the suggestions they make. If you want to avoid destructive arguments, you must show a great deal more care and self-discipline.