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virgo Virgo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Let go

Your strength of purpose is commendable, but you easily forget that there is more to life than just success. You strive so persistently that you also have to accept setbacks. Give yourself a little more time to reach your goals in a more relaxed manner. Only then you can enjoy success. Allow yourself to drift a little; otherwise, life simply passes you by.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Emotional outbursts

You need to think your decisions through carefully. Otherwise, you are likely to act impulsively which you later regret. Fixated on success, you must stop pushing your way to the front, since others may one day pay you back for achieving your ambitions at the expense of their own progress. In relationships, this reckless tendency is noticeable, instead be more restrained.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 More tolerance

Others believe you’re behaving in a rather fanatical way; you need to hold back and be more accepting of their attitude. Don't get so angry if they make a mistake. Too much expectation upsets your ability to remain in control, you need to behave more considerately. Leave stresses of everyday life behind; relaxation helps you rebuild your reserves of energy.