Genuine patience is required. Even if you are involved in heated debates, keep a cool head. Otherwise, you might upset prior plans with your careless words. Misunderstandings easily arise, so you must hold back and act impartially, not aggressively. Physical activities help release some of your pent-up aggression, make sure you drink plenty of water.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Poor PerspectiveYour o opposing desires and feelings affect decisions concerning the direction of your life. You must avoid any brash conduct or displays of arrogance likely to upset those you care about most. Equally, don’t try to outdo others or expand on your goals with overly ambitious targets by over-estimating your capabilities.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Charged upIt’s nice to think that your sparkling creativity lets you get a lot done, but the opposite is true. You feel jaded, and it’s difficult to make decisions or be assertive. Your emotional state inclines you to overindulgence, and anti-social conduct results, rather than your normal friendly self. Practical common sense is required.