It’s almost guaranteed - you feel repeatedly provoked; don't take it too seriously even though you notice how easily you get annoyed, refuse to give in to it. Limit your contacts to your closest friends, since they know best how to deal with your moods. Release pent-up aggression by practicing some sports. Jogging, cycling or swimming helps you to relax.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Take Care of YourselfYou can’t change the way you feel, consequently, if you can, take it easy and don’t place yourself in any unnecessarily stressful situations. Avoid stepping out of your comfort zone, stay in familiar surroundings, spend time relaxing in the company of those you know, until you have regained your usual energy and composure.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Full of EnergyGoal-oriented, you approach situations creatively. Even long-term projects result in appreciation for your efforts from others who recognize you are more than capable of achieving your well-deserved success. You benefit from the additional energy you possess and use this positively in other aspects of your life.