You’re feeling vulnerable and it is easy for somebody to mislead you., so be careful to avoid making any hasty decisions. It’s certainly better to put your energies into things which give you pleasure but don't wear you out. Otherwise unintended actions simply lead to you becoming weary and exhausted. Go along with any sympathetic suggestions your partner makes.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Explore possibilitiesYou long for change, new people and challenges. Your wishes are in stark contrast to what is possible for you to achieve. Unless you use your time sensibly by making some viable plans, when you do attempt to turn wishes into reality you quickly run out of steam. Exercise helps regain your strength before putting plans into effect.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Look for supportYou find it difficult to be enthusiastic about the tedious things that continuously confront you, this is a perfectly natural feeling, but still, you’re unsure exactly what it is you're missing. Slow down, instead of hectic activity, seek advice from friends; sometimes they can help you to stand back and reconsider situations.