With more setbacks than usual, these are not ideal circumstances to advance your hopes or ambitions; you’re unlikely to make headway. Practice patience, better times are in store. Learn from the setbacks and be sure not to repeat the same mistakes. If fate conspires against you, remember it’s impossible to force fate; perhaps she’s something better in store.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Concentrated powerDirect your energies towards building up your resources. Don’t let others lessen your resolve by becoming involved in needless arguments, which can easily get out of hand. Confidently harness your energy more constructively. Consequently, you build additional momentum and take forward steps that advance your development and understanding.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Conserve energyIf something doesn’t work out, don’t needlessly blame yourself, it’s probably current conditions that conspire against you. Take stock, pamper yourself a little and let things run their course. Sometimes subsequent situations transpire that open up completely new possibilities and recognizing it’s the most appropriate time you’re able to apply your energy.