Others seek out your company, you’re well received, and everybody appreciates your good mood. Appearing laid back and relaxed you easily make new acquaintances. Subsequent conversations turn out to be significant with you becoming immersed. However, it’s quite easy to get side-tracked by interruptions from an insistent third party.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Health and powerYou feel on top form, and others notice how positive and glowing with confidence you are. The exuberance you show permeates out and influences those you come into contact with. They can assist you in the achievement of goals that seemed unimaginable to you before. Take advantage of this energy and don't let the time pass without making use of it.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 RecognitionThe friends you meet or contact are extremely considerate and understanding. You want to meet up with as many as you can, don’t overload your diary or let things get out of hand. Similarly, at work, you get lots of recognition and praise, linked with new and interesting prospects - be careful not to over-burden yourself too much.