Problems you face are difficult to overcome when in your effort to solve them you still use the same approach. Change your method, come up with a new strategy and don't allow others to change your mind or alter your plans. A solution is totally within your grasp; with self-confidence, you overcome any intractable problems and take charge of the situation.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Great AttractionYou notice how you attract others by what you say and do. As a result, this is an ideal time for any joint venture. The qualities you possess are appreciated, especially your understanding, and sympathetic approach. You can cement relationships and make new friends; your charms are apparent for all to admire.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Making DecisionsYou take notice of your instincts and finally come to a decision you have avoided up until now. Paying attention to your true feelings you intuitively do what you know you must do, to pursue your ideas. Your vitality provides a perfect platform for new plans and helps you make maximum use of your abilities.