You feel totally at ease and in control of your emotions, an attitude that others readily approve of. By confronting personal problems openly, you resolve outstanding issues agreeably. You easily make new acquaintances and keep in touch with existing friends which ultimately deepens, strengthens and enriches the relationships you’ve built with them.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Good intuitionAcutely aware of your own needs, this certainly helps you appreciate what's important, enabling you to focus on turning long-term dreams into reality on the home front as well as at work. Longing for an active social life, don’t take on too much, instead cultivate an approach to the friendships you’re more able to cope with, do things in moderation.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 AgreementEven though you’re able to dedicate time to more daring tasks, don't lose sight of the main objective. Connections you make are agreeable because of your confident manner. Previous differences with loved ones are simple to resolve, and you feel very pleased with yourself. Preventative measures you take help combat any possible ill feeling that may arise.