More likely than not you forget to deal properly with something important, don’t be too upset if therefore you receive some form of criticism. Accept the way things are and make sure you don’t force your opinions on others even if you feel rather isolated. Alternating between recreational activities and relaxation, does your body some good.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 PopularityEverybody wants to get to know you, despite your popularity, it’s your open and likable personality that’s appealing. Consequently, you find it easy to approach people you don’t even know and strike up a conversation, giving them the feeling they're important to you is what makes you approachable and fun.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 StubbornnessYou achieve so much, yet are less satisfied than ever. Thinking you’re able to progress further by using determination and force, you jeopardize previous success and upset your composure. Take a step back, regain your self-control, what seemed an insurmountable problem is easily resolved when you're not so intent on bulldozing your way through it.