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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Embrace Change

Try to join a class to learn something new, then you can show your sociability, and any people you meet are likely to remain good friends. Improvement in your physical well-being has positive effects on the way you feel, and you make every effort to keep up a good health regime and pay attention to your diet

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 The best preconditions

Take on as much as you can, with so much going for you; it’s easy to achieve a great deal with a minimum of effort on your part. In your personal life, seek out the company of those closest to you and enjoy the pleasant feeling of warmth you can share. If single, making the most of the genuine feelings you display, mean it’s easy to meet new people.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Cool, calm and collected

Feeling fantastic, you’re in good shape and are self-assured. You make plenty of headway implementing your new ideas. In your personal life, you continue to thrive, utilize this to explore new possibilities and widen your horizons. The self-confidence you possess is strengthened, and as a result, the sense of achievement and satisfaction you feel is prolonged.