You feel continually wound up and restless, people find you excitable and tense, channel this excess energy into useful activity instead of letting yourself be a victim of circumstance, make a definite plan you resolutely follow through with. If this difficult focus your mind, apply yourself, do concentration exercises to help you keep and maintain a clear head.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Joyful companyYou make new acquaintances quickly and effortlessly. If you knowingly take this on board, rewarding friendships can develop and last a long time. You’re unlikely to encounter obstacles from others, and it seems there is no problem you couldn't solve. Your good mood and optimism allow you to look assuredly into the future and leave stress behind you.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Risk NothingWhen trying to resolve outstanding issues, you must avoid reacting impulsively, and be prepared to encounter some difficulties. Don’t be disappointed at this apparent block to your progress, but take full responsibility for any mistakes that result, otherwise, you create difficulties for everyone involved.