You experience all kinds of emotional ups and downs and it’s very probable because of this that you get into disputes, or at the very least, angry discussions. Make sure you don't say anything in these situations that you later regret and find difficult to take back. It's better to let things run their course, even if temporarily at least it seems to your disadvantage.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Practice, patienceWith more setbacks than usual, these are not ideal circumstances to advance your hopes or ambitions; you’re unlikely to make headway. Practice patience, better times are in store. Learn from the setbacks and be sure not to repeat the same mistakes. If fate conspires against you, remember it’s impossible to force fate; perhaps she’s something better in store.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Emotional conversationsUnfortunately, the outcomes of very intense communications you’re involved in aren’t likely to be at all that positive. Protagonists can very easily stray from the topic at hand and get personal and unnecessarily hurtful. If you notice a discussion is degenerating like this, take a passive role, otherwise you get hurt, or may even upset others with what you say.