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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Constant Restlessness

The tingling feeling in your body won't let you rest. It's time to become active and to realize plans made long ago! It doesn't matter if these are of a personal or professional nature. However, if you're constantly on the go, be careful not to take on too much. Otherwise, your fidgety state won't be constructive, and you’re rather absent-minded.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Unexpected praise

You deserve recognition and praise and receive a reward for your contribution, so enjoy the satisfaction you get from all your hard work. In your personal life, you must make more of an effort; it’s not just friendships that need attention, but also your love-life. Don’t neglect your fitness either, avoid too much stress and always take your time.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Eventful

You find a variety of activities are appealing, and your positive attitude is appreciated by everyone with whom you are involved. It’s important that you make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Your flexible and open approach means others value your input which helps add a new and exciting dimension to your relationships.