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sagittarius Sagittarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Happiness and exuberance

You find pleasure in the simplest things and enjoy interacting with other people. Your happiness and enthusiasm are infectious and affects those closest to you, who in turn are responsive. If single, you may be extremely attracted to a future partner or have a spellbinding effect on someone for whom you have sexual desires.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Pleasant everyday life

Everyday life is very appealing; you seem to be getting along famously well with everyone you encounter or come into contact with. Enjoy yourself; you’re in position to reap much goodwill and support from everyone you meet. Use this positive energy, liberate yourself from any hassle and eventually you can enjoy more peace and quiet.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Active emotions

It’s hard to bring your feelings under control calmly and rationally if you don’t you make decisions you later come to regret. Conversely, if you’re normally a calm person, who keeps their feelings to themselves, it is easier for you to show them, enabling you to create clarity, to deepen and improve on any personal relationships in which you’re involved.