If you want to achieve a lot, it’s no good being complacent and passive. Use your clear decision-making abilities to put plans into action. Your strength of purpose enhances your vitality; you can develop your plans constructively, and behave appropriately in nearly every situation you encounter, make the most of it while you can!
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Connection with the soulMore than ever you’re conscious of your desires and comfortable with your general outlook on life. You’re unlikely to feel frustrated or find anything too confusing; you’re very much at ease with yourself and in control of circumstances. Your sensitivity may leave you vulnerable, your health and home life are areas of importance to focus on.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 IdlenessWhen it comes to anything strenuous, you don't feel in the mood, but much prefer to relax and take things easy. Be careful; this is somewhat problematic and likely to lead to confrontations you need to avoid. Try to find some middle ground without conceding too much. Watch your diet, not only for your weight but to care for your digestive system as well.