Don't be too disappointed with how events turn out. Despite your plans, you’re unlikely to be able to make a great deal of progress and if things don't go your way, resist the temptation to blame others. Unrealistic expectations leave you feeling disappointed, don’t give up, take advantage of opportunities on offer. Instead of force, tackle things modestly.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Need to RecuperateFeeling tense, take care not to overreact to situations, or you may come to regret outpourings of this kind. You struggle to control your emotions, remember no one is deliberately trying to get on your nerves. Treat yourself to some quiet downtime as soon as you can, to help you get through this temporary phase.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Become creativeDon’t hesitate any longer, put some of your wild ideas into practice. Enhanced creative abilities help you do this even if some of your ideas are rather outlandish. If you have been shy previously and reluctant to reveal your creative talents, fearing ridicule from others - don’t be. You’re now able to overcome your indecision and can expect a surprise response.