You have trouble concentrating on everyday responsibilities. Even though it's difficult to motivate yourself, don't become too dejected when things fail to turnout as you expect. If you do your best, you’re likely to have some limited success but don't expect too much. When you recover your composure, you’re more confident things improve greatly.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Correct ResponseYou easily deal with others and respond naturally in an appropriate way, understanding their needs and requirements. Whatever obstacle you face, you can tackle proficiently. People notice how much energy you have available, and propose a joint venture where there are possibilities to do well together.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Light-heartednessIn the right frame of mind, there is a good reason to remain totally at ease and celebrate the way you’re feeling towards others. The understanding you share with colleagues and loved ones is rewarding. Don't let yourself get too carried away, think of this as a gift and show your gratitude by making sure you reciprocate the kindness of those around you.