You are capable and accomplished at whatever task you choose to undertake, working efficiently, you are happy to take on more and help others. You do this in such a way that people are only too pleased to share in your achievements and are unlikely to feel any jealousy or resentment towards you.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Cool, calm and collectedFeeling fantastic, you’re in good shape and are self-assured. You make plenty of headway implementing your new ideas. In your personal life, you continue to thrive, utilize this to explore new possibilities and widen your horizons. The self-confidence you possess is strengthened, and as a result, the sense of achievement and satisfaction you feel is prolonged.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Unsettled phaseYour friends and your work colleagues find you irritating and are easily provoked by your attempts at being aggressive. All this stems from the inner turmoil you feel but don't be too disappointed if some things go wrong, instead put off big plans until you regain your equilibrium and trust in the positive influence of your partner or someone close to you.