You’re being aggressive and if this is a character trait you don't recognize in yourself, you’re going to have to deal with the fact it’s something that occasionally happens. When you feel this way, limit your contact with others to a minimum, preferable people you know and remain calm, a good way to get rid of hostility is with recreational activity.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Mutual supportMostly because of your open and friendly conduct, people provide you with positive feedback that you’re likely to find extremely helpful. They notice how instinctively you provide them with the support and encouragement they need and naturally return the help received, so an atmosphere of mutual support develops, which is beneficial for everybody.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Self-promotionYou feel an overwhelming urge to create a distinct image, either by boasting achievements, exercising your freedom or flaunting your possessions. Pretentious conduct like this is truly perceived as unpleasant. Instead you need to value friendships and show the respect they deserve by appreciating them over and above your possessions or achievements.