Full of energy, you’re able to deal with important issues. Your clear thinking helps you successfully bring a certain situation to a close. You even resolve issues in your personal life; any concerns are much clearer. Consequently,,you’re able to face up to any difficulties you’ve avoided and now receive a positive response to the way you handle everything.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Uncontrolled impulsesMore than capable, you feel an urgent need to set some worthwhile activity in motion. You demand a lot, are insensitive towards other people’s needs - strike a balance; be more considerate with your comments, pay attention to how people react to you, if you resolutely follow these guidelines, you persuade people to willingly participate in your activities.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Insecure FeelingsTry to distance yourself from everything, instead think about your current level of uncertainty. If you find it difficult to be assertive, don’t be tempted to over-compensate for this by showing authority over others. Then, if appropriate, admit any mistakes, your honesty and strength of character are appreciated.