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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 More restraint

With frazzled nerves on edge, you’re inexplicably keen to communicate your ideas and inclined to put forward your point of view too forcefully, which is construed as self-catered, egotistic conduct. Instead make a concerted effort to show sensitivity and respect, listen to what others say, you’re far more likely to feel less anxious and appreciated again.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Team strength

You work particularly well in a team and even have fun with it. Maintain this creative working atmosphere since if you all stick together, everyone achieves their individual goals far more quickly. Even in your personal life, you feel more at ease in a group rather than alone. This feeling may help you make progress in your love life and enjoy some romance.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Focus your energy

Use the extra vitality you possess wisely, work out what you want to achieve and focus your energy in the best way you know. Don't fritter away time, wasting it on thankless tasks. Instead, expand your outlook and examine your personal life too, where positive surprises are in store for your relationship. If single, the people you meet are especially agreeable and appealing.