You’re able to complete outstanding tasks that require your undivided attention. The expert way you achieve results impresses others, inspiring you to tackle any new interesting ideas that turn up. Opportunities arise for you to make collaborative plans and a concerted effort to progress further, whilst utilizing the degree of proficiency expected of you.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Differences among friendsYou have differences with your friends. Before you worry too much, bear in mind the extent of the differences. It’s only a bit of a squabble that cannot threaten a solid friendship. Don't take it too seriously but do say you’re sorry if you said something that you now regret. When those affected understand that you regret what you said, they can forgive you.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Mutual supportMostly because of your open and friendly conduct, people provide you with positive feedback that you’re likely to find extremely helpful. They notice how instinctively you provide them with the support and encouragement they need and naturally return the help received, so an atmosphere of mutual support develops, which is beneficial for everybody.