You approach people in a natural way, get involved in prolonged conversations that turn out to be very beneficial in helping you develop your ideas further and new strategies surface you’re able to follow up later. Your openness and honesty is appreciated, you make others feel extra special and generate a lot of goodwill for yourself in the process.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Binding relationshipsMade to feel welcome and easily accepted by everyone you meet, make sure to return the love receive in equal measure, and you’re able to win over people who become life-long friends. With such a welcoming and positive attitude toward the people you meet, there is even a chance that you discover 'the one' love interest that previously eluded you.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Make friendsYou feel balanced and relaxed; your good mood is infectious, and there isn't anything that is likely to get you down or prevent you from being in such a good mood. Approach others and develop your friendships further. Use this mood to strengthen existing relationships as well, or as a reason to get back in contact with people, you have neglected recently.