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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Differences of opinion

Don’t be surprised if the simplest of conversations lead to misunderstandings. This isn't necessarily your fault, there's possibly something wrong, so try again later. Or indeed if it is your fault and you're being far too obstinate that people are forced to contradict you, rein in your ego somewhat, then others talk to you and respond in a more customary way.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Success in groups

Your enthusiasm makes it possible for you to be successful when working as a team. You can make your mark quietly when you achieve tasks together. However, remember that the success of the team is paramount - not your ego, and goes a long way to creating a good atmosphere, and any selfish conduct only damages relationships in the long term.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Cheerful atmosphere

You approach people with a spring in your step and are happy to see them, with your open, talkative mood you’re an ideal conversationalist, with friends turning to you for advice. Your reputation is enhanced, personal relationships flourish, with consequential benefits affecting your health and well-being which you can further improve by taking more exercise.