Important decisions you have made turn out to be right. When considering new projects, always take as much time as you need. You’re bursting with energy. Have fun, go out or explore new places. Ask friends to join you, which also helps lift your spirits, leaving you feeling assertive and confident. Take advantage of the way you feel to keep up fitness levels.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Avoid BraggingYou long for recognition, and in trying to impress others may exaggerate your abilities. Such conduct has the opposite effect to what you want to achieve. Instead, focus more on being of genuine help to others rather than imposing your opinions so forcefully, without first understanding their wants and needs.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Stick to your wordIt’s important that you keep your promises. Otherwise, difficulties arise from your unpredictability which has a knock-on effect. People close to you get upset, and those you work with feel let down. Reconsider your feelings towards others and don't make any important decisions, instead take some time for yourself to discover why you feel the way you do.