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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Readiness to help

Feeling generous, you help other people sort out their problems, and seem to be able to do this much quicker than you can resolve any of your difficulties. Assistance you give is appreciated, but beware of false flattery and don't let your readiness to help others be taken advantage of; don't neglect your problems by taking on more responsibility.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Apathy

You’re rather lethargic; especially as far as doing anything strenuous is concerned. Spending money, however, you’re less apprehensive about and may regret large impulsive purchases that you later consider a complete waste of money. You seemingly get irritated for the smallest of reasons, make unrealistic demands and appear less reliable than usual.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Successful work

Collaborate with your colleagues, friends or family, if you want to achieve something worthwhile regarding your future. You need to take full advantage of every opportunity offered while you’re able to, don’t let them pass without making a concerted effort. Otherwise unfinished business returns to haunt you when conditions aren’t always quite so promising.