You feel optimistic especially when meeting others; you’re relaxed and charming. These are ideal conditions for friendships and creating new ones. You can be adventurous, get out and meet people. At work, your approach to meetings and discussions is productive. In your personal life, you are most in your element when socializing with a group of people.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Taking advantageFull of energy, you’re able to deal with important issues. Your clear thinking helps you successfully bring a certain situation to a close. You even resolve issues in your personal life; any concerns are much clearer. Consequently,,you’re able to face up to any difficulties you’ve avoided and now receive a positive response to the way you handle everything.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 IdeasYour dealings with others are especially easy and any potential disagreements avoided when you act together as a team. You succeed in putting forward your ideas and convince others of the validity of the position you adopt. Importantly you need to build trust, so others are aware they’re able to always rely on you when any difficulties need addressing.