You exhibit your true feelings, and your openness means that people around you know where you stand and react positively, enabling you to easily make new acquaintances. You may well make a decision that turns out to be useful for everyone concerned. It’s very important you keep to your side of the bargain, which fundamentally changes your life.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Strengthen contactsMaking plans for the future, you adopt a position that increases the strengthening of family ties, your relations happily accept this and support you firmly in your plans. The consolidation of personal relationships continues in your love life. You get close to a certain someone, and long-lasting bond results from the well-meaning advances you make.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Intuitive feelingsLong overdue visits are on the agenda as well as important decisions. Your sympathetic approach inspires the people you care about most to be open to new suggestions and want to clear up any existing problems that exist between you. You willingly take on new challenges both at work and home proving to others that their trust in you is well-founded.