Try to clear up misunderstandings or differences of opinion, before they develop further, turning into real disputes, which cause unnecessary disruption to your relationships whether they are personal or work-related. However, don't expect others to approach you, you must take the initiative if you value being on good terms with them.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Highly sensitiveFeeling fatigued and rather worn out, it’s difficult for other people to know exactly how to deal with you in your current mood. Avoid any undue stress and needless self-criticism, times like this are normal and pass quickly, ask the people closest to you to be more considerate and understanding, avoid doing too much, instead set aside time for relaxation.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Trying timesYou find it difficult to undertake any task in a well-thought-out way; your impulsiveness is too much for people close to you. Remain calm; even if you find this difficult, and carefully consider the way you're behaving, such unpredictable conduct is upsetting the people you care about most. Avoid disputes by keeping to yourself; a long walk does you good.