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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Easy-going relationships

You radiate a sense of inner contentment, this makes you the perfect intermediary, and you’re easily able to intervene with a degree of success. Don't hold back from approaching the people you care about most- they appreciate it. You're not averse to flirting; your openness impresses others. However, caution is required when they make too many demands on you.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Turning point

When changes take place in your life, don't shy away, instead welcome them with open arms. You meet new people with whom you enjoy meaningful relationships. On the career front, you face up to new challenges without being fearful; luck is on your side. When confronted by certain situations consider them as an opportunity for personal development.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Gregarious

You want to be with others and take part in activities with them, or organize something and enjoy the feeling you get of togetherness. You might be keen to make new friends and don't have to wait too long, because others find the way you behave captivating. Enjoy the attention you receive and let yourself be stimulated and inspired by the people you meet.