Do not let your feelings get the better of you, carefully think before you act. Otherwise, you needlessly place under threat a long-standing relationship based on years of mutual trust. Rather, wait for a little and find a quiet moment to reconsider your decisions carefully or you may later come to regret what you have said.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Insecure FeelingsTry to distance yourself from everything, instead think about your current level of uncertainty. If you find it difficult to be assertive, don’t be tempted to over-compensate for this by showing authority over others. Then, if appropriate, admit any mistakes, your honesty and strength of character are appreciated.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Fuss about nothingDon't allow yourself to become involved in any argumentative disputes, if you’re upset it’s futile and gets you nowhere. It seems everyone you talk to reacts emotionally and prevents you from being objective, they waste your precious time and jangle your nerves. Being patient gets you through without ruining your relationships with people closest to you.