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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Fuss about nothing

You make a lot of fuss about nothing, every occasion you meet others, discussions and conversations appear to get out of control or at least aren't very friendly. These disputes really aren't about anything or indeed important, avoid them as much as you can, retreat gracefully, practice being patient, even if it isn't easy for you.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Emotional conversations

Unfortunately, the outcomes of very intense communications you’re involved in aren’t likely to be at all that positive. Protagonists can very easily stray from the topic at hand and get personal and unnecessarily hurtful. If you notice a discussion is degenerating like this, take a passive role, otherwise you get hurt, or may even upset others with what you say.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Moodiness

Moody and unpredictable, it’s difficult to cooperate with anyone. You must practice restraint, spend time on your own, where it's impossible for your mood to affect anyone else or cause real lasting damage. Use this time to build up your reserves of energy for the future, when things eventually improve you feel much better, more like your old self.