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virgo Virgo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Powers of attraction

You feel attractive and long to experience a relationship that is sensual and sexually gratifying. Indecisiveness can lead you to feel a certain degree of anxiety. You lack initiative, and secretly you may be tempted to drink and eat too much. Staying calm and not responding to these desires is the best way to manage your feelings.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Uncertainty

The uncertainties that prevail and seem to surround you require you to make your position clearer. It’s difficult for you to change your usual way of thinking and this has a negative effect. Be open to a different way of approaching issues to steer clear of the obstacles before you. Don’t let your health suffer needlessly; you must not push yourself too hard.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Animal instincts

You feel aware of your animal instincts, and your urges are strong. You need to be careful of acting on the spur of the moment or in any rash way, especially in matters to do with your love-life. The fascination and desire of the moment may lose its initial appeal when you take the necessary time to reflect.