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scorpio Scorpio
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Fuss about nothing

Don't allow yourself to become involved in any argumentative disputes, if you’re upset it’s futile and gets you nowhere. It seems everyone you talk to reacts emotionally and prevents you from being objective, they waste your precious time and jangle your nerves. Being patient gets you through without ruining your relationships with people closest to you.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Tough going

Try to behave as modestly as you can, and act in an authoritative way, otherwise potential partners and team-mates find it difficult to trust in your abilities, or respond to you in the positive way you desire. In your personal life, try to avoid delicate topics that only worsen an already tense situation existing between you and the love ones you’re closest to.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Antagonism

Your active mind is looking for challenges, an adversary to defy and pit your wits against. As long as they think in the same way and see it as a game, you can continue to play. You consider it possible for most innocent games to turn into a war, especially if both sides want to win at all costs, therefore, you hold back before it gets too rough, so no one ends up getting hurt.