Goal-oriented, you approach situations creatively. Even long-term projects result in appreciation for your efforts from others who recognize you are more than capable of achieving your well-deserved success. You benefit from the additional energy you possess and use this positively in other aspects of your life.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Unrealistic expectationsDon't be too disappointed with how events turn out. Despite your plans, you’re unlikely to be able to make a great deal of progress and if things don't go your way, resist the temptation to blame others. Unrealistic expectations leave you feeling disappointed, don’t give up, take advantage of opportunities on offer. Instead of force, tackle things modestly.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 ConsiderationWith everything running smoothly in your world, you can afford to watch out for the well-being of those around you and lend a helping hand to people you think may benefit. Be diplomatic and say how it would be a pleasure to assist in any way you can. If you needed help, you too would appreciate all the support you can get.